RevHub x Women in Impact Investing: Investing the Right Way

RevHub x Women in Impact Investing: Investing the Right Way

Shannon Eusey, CEO of Beacon Pointe Advisors, dismantles a common misconception in this clip from the Women in Impact Investing event in May. Many see impact investing as an alternative investment, but Eusey argues it’s simply “investing the right way.” Companies with strong environmental and social practices tend to have good governance, leading to lower risk and potentially higher returns. The key to unlocking this potential lies in broadening investors’ understanding of how impact investing leads to greater brand equity and significant financial upside while driving positive social and environmental change. 


RevHub is leading the charge in shifting the traditional “business-as-usual” paradigm by empowering social enterprises within a collaborative ecosystem; providing resources and programs to launch and scale impact-first ventures. By bringing more high-potential and scalable deals to market we are quickly transforming the impact investing landscape. 

#RevHubOC #WomenInImpactInvesting #ImpactInvesting #SocialEnterprise #BuildTheFuture

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